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Postdoctoral researchers at the Biozentrum

The Biozentrum is an ideal place to do a postdoc and spur your scientific career. The Biozentrum Postdoc Society has the interests of the Biozentrum's postdoctoral researchers from all over the world at heart. The society creates opportunities for networking, collaboration and professional development, and generally furthers the well-being of postdocs in and around Basel.

The first thing for newly-minted PhDs who want to continue in research is usually a limited postdoctoral appointment, or postdoc for short. Over a period of one to four years, postdoc researchers work in one or more laboratories on research projects to deepen and extend their expertise in a specific area of research. During this time, they usually have sponsorship in the form of grants or stipends. Time spent as a postdoc constitutes a necessary step for researchers who want to remain in academia or to pursue a career in the private sector. 

With its broad cutting-edge research that ranges from atoms to organisms and pursues an interdisciplinary approach, its state-of-the-art technology platforms and excellent scientific IT infrastructure and its lively community, the Biozentrum is an ideal place to do a postdoc. 

The location of the Biozentrum also contributes to its attraction. Embedded in Europe’s most Important Life Sciences hub – the trinational BioValley of Switzerland, Germany and France – it profits from close proximity to many universities and academic research institutes, over 600 life sciences and biotechnology firms, and two of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world, Novartis and Roche. Furthermore, Basel is one of the top fifteen cities with the highest quality of living worldwide according to the 2023 Mercer study. There are currently about 110 postdocs at the Biozentrum, either on stipends or filling advertised positions.

Biozentrum Postdoc Society
The Biozentrum has founded a Society especially for postdocs. It represents and coordinates the interests of postdocs at the Biozentrum.

The Biozentrum Postdoc Society aims to encourage professional cooperation between the postdocs working here and to nurture social contact. It is open to both new and established postdocs and supports its members in questions of career planning, sources of funding (financial contributions), finding the way around the University, and anything else concerned with life in Basel. The Society organizes talks, courses and social events, and offers a platform to exchange personal and professional views.

Well-attended talks
The Biozentrum Postdoc Society together with the PhD Student Club organizes monthly talks, inviting speakers from within the university and elsewhere. These talks not only provide insight into the most varying professional experiences of established biologists but also identify different career options. 

Worth knowing:
Basel Postdoc Network Meeting in Klosters, 09.10. – 11.10.2024: three-day seminar by postdocs and for postdocs from Basel. More